
Men In Uniform Dating

  1. Men In Uniform Dating
  2. Men In Uniform Dating Site
  3. Men In Uniform Calendar

Romance in the military is no easy task. Looking for love amid deployments, exercises, and regular duty station moves across the world is daunting even for the most avid believers in love and all that other crap you see in Disney movies during which I pretend very hard not to cry.

Even so, the search for love and companionship is important to the mental well-being of everyone, regardless of the terrible life choices they’ve made. Working in a field that tends to take you all over the world introduces service members to a wide range of people to meet and date, and while some of them may be normal and well-adjusted people, chances are they’ll fit into one or more of the following categories.

Uniform dating delete profile. They do this because most of the singles belong to the law enforcement community. The FAQ tab is located at the uniform part of the screen. Almost all of the singles that you need to know after you join is located there. I also like for. Apr 25, 2021 In military dating terms, these are the men and women who ask to accompany you to the PX by your third date and want to know the details on getting a dependent ID by the fifth. Jul 22, 2011 Dating Men: What Is It About a Man In Uniform? Smitten kittens, I'm currently chilling in beautiful Norfolk, Virginia where my older brother is serving in the Navy. Men In Uniform Dating are comparatively less. The members of these sites are uniformed workers or people interested in dating uniformed workers. If we consider the proportion of the audience based on gender, then 40% of the users are male, and 60% of users are female. Uniform dating sites: standing out of the crowd There are two kinds of people in the world: those that wear a uniform, and those that admire them. Picture it: your dream partner, standing tall, clad in a breathtakingly lint-rolled uniform with a matching pair of shoes that have been so voraciously polished that they mirror your love-struck.

(Editor’s note: This article was originally published on May 27, 2015.)

1. The Expert

If the first thing someone you’re on a date with asks you is “What’s your MOS?” chances are you’ve got one of these on your hands. He or she somehow reads all the pubs and manuals, talks the lingo, and loves debating you about the merits of gear and vehicles that you really didn’t even know or care about in the first place.

  • Pros: Understands what you mean when you use an acronym. Will eat an MRE without being dared to.
  • Cons: What would you rather talk about on a date for several hours: the new Avengers movie, or the complicated nuances and considerations of converting all the military’s M63467.82 flangle-whatsits to M63467.83 dingle-whatevers? Exactly.

2. The Fetishist

The first time the response to the question, “What do you want to do tonight?” ends with the phrase, “…with your boots still bloused,” you can be sure you’ve found a fetishist.

  • Pros: Let’s just call it “eagerness.”
  • Cons: Will only stay with you as long as you stay in the service, wool dress uniforms do not breathe well when, ahem, “exerting” oneself.

3. The Gotta Catch ‘Em All

“Oh, you’re a Marine, you say? Well let’s see, I’ve already had three soldiers, four airmen, and a Coast Guardsman. After I’m done with you, I’ll just get your Corpsman’s numbers and my collection will be complete.”

Men In Uniform Dating

  • Pros: Will inform you how your performance compares to that of personnel from other branches.
  • Cons: Will inform you how your performance compares to that of personnel from other branches.

4. The Fellow Service Member

Absolutely, 100% your best option to enter a world of love and joy made of unicorns and candy puppies. And I’m not just saying that because I’m dating a fellow veteran who’s probably going to read this article. Hi honey!

Men in uniform dating site
  • Pros: The same as when dating an expert, plus they hate all the stupid stuff about the military as much as you.
  • Cons: None whatsoever in any way at all. It’s inescapably wonderful all the time, always.

5. The Remora

For those who don’t watch Shark Week, a remora is one of those sucker fish that attaches itself to the stomach of a shark or other large fish and feeds off its scraps. In military dating terms, these are the men and women who ask to accompany you to the PX by your third date and want to know the details on getting a dependent ID by the fifth. If you stay with one long enough that they start using phrases like “our battalion” and “when we get promoted,” run.

  • Pros: That’s a typo. I actually meant to write “Pros?” because I can’t think of any.
  • Cons: What are you still doing here? Run!

6. Mr./Ms. Insecurity

These are the people who cannot handle the fact that you, as a military member, are generally seen as tougher than the average person. Every part of your one-on-one relationship with one of these can be fine and dandy. But every time some third person asks about one of your fields ops or deployments, you won’t be able to respond over the deafening and endless bragging about Tough Mudders, kettle bells, and challenging you to push-up contests.

  • Pros: Usually tend to be CrossFitters, so they’ll keep you in shape.
  • Cons: Usually tend to be CrossFitters, so they’re terrible people.

Men In Uniform Dating Site

7. The Imaginary Person

You tend to see people dating these a lot in the more inhospitable shitholes like Twentynine Palms. I did the whole time I was there, after all. She was a model. And a nuclear physicist. You don’t know her because she lived across town and had to fly her private jet on spy missions a lot. So shut up.

  • Pros: As many as your imagination can conjure up!
  • Cons: Crushing loneliness, weeping.

Yes, there are variations, but these are the main groupings of people you’ll wind up taking for dinner, drinks, and dancing (or push-up contests, depending) while you wear a uniform. You can even have combinations. Like, for instance, an Imaginary Insecure Fetishist. In that case, you are undoubtedly from my old duty station. Please see your battalion commanding officer to receive the “Loneliest Marine of the Quarter” award. Congrats.


Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared at Cellar Door, the personal blog of Gabrielle Puglia.

There have been a few articles about the pros and cons of dating the Generation Y military man, and while some of them are better reads than others, I felt the need to weigh in. This is based solely on the experiences of my veteran friends, as well as my own with a past paramour. This list is not simply a composition of pros or cons, but rather an overview of what dating a service member — active duty or veteran — is like.

1. Slowly break the barrier. The military teaches service members to trust their unit, and few others. They are meant to be extremely close with this group of people and everyone else is simply on a need-to-know basis. As the significant other, you will not get more details than necessary on anything unless you poke and prod. It is a lot of work to break down those barriers and gain enough trust for him open up and be vulnerable. But, trust me, it is worth the effort.

2. Be patient. Do not expect this vulnerability to come quickly. If he comes to you with a problem, chances are he'll talk about it until he no longer wants to and then go into lockdown. Be patient, but keep digging at those walls.

Men in uniform dating

3. Respect the band of brothers. You need to understand that the military is a brotherhood. Military men may never have closer relationships than those they made in the military. That is not a good thing or a bad thing, that is just a matter of fact and something you need to understand. It is not a competition between his military friends and you; they are people who shared a very intimate part of his life, and you should want to be close with them, too.

4. Appreciate his loyalty. Many military creeds reference loyalty or unity. Military men are used to their band of brothers, and are bred to be loyal and protective. He will love you fiercely and be the most faithful companion, if you can promise the same.

5. Get over the air of authority. Some branches of the military (I’m looking at you, Marines) have a feeling of superiority over others. Granted, that is earned due to the nature of their work and how much they put on the line. However, in the civilian world, or in a relationship, it may be a little hard to deal with. His way is the best way because he knows best. Especially if he is coming from a higher rank, it may be increasingly difficult for him to “fall in line” with civilian life. You need to understand this and realize how difficult it is.

6. Recognize the invisible wounds. Not every soldier comes home with post-traumatic stress. However, for those who do, there is nothing wrong with that. Just keep in mind that the chances of him wanting to open up and talk about it — let alone seek help — are slim to none, at least at first. This will be trying for you, but imagine how he feels. Expect sleepless nights, and bouts of being on the receiving end of awkward silences. These things happen. You need to try your hardest to understand, get him to eventually talk about it (preferably to a professional) and pretty much avoid all triggers — like war movies.

7. Enjoy the fun facts. Military men have likely traveled to parts of the world you have not, and can tell you facts about different cultures/countries/states. You will be inundated with more random facts about places like the Middle East or the South than you care to cram into your brain. Trust me, eventually, they will come up. I won a round of trivia just because I knew the currency in Bahrain. Fun facts are everywhere, and it doesn’t hurt for you to sound more worldly too!

Men in uniform dating websites

Men In Uniform Calendar

Men in uniform dating websites

8. Don’t forget to show your pride. I am a sucker for someone who is passionate about his work. Service members fight to defend our country. They are modern day heroes; if that’s not something to be proud of, I’m not quite sure what is!

9. Let him do the driving. Military men are used to being thrown into countries and situations with which they are unfamiliar, so when traveling, always expect to have a great navigator around.

Basically, dating a Generation Y military man is no different than dating anyone else. Sure, they have baggage, but don’t we all? His may be unimaginable to you, but that does not make him any better or worse. Dating a service member is not all fun and games; it takes a lot of work and patience, but if you are interested in the person and not just the uniform, then he is definitely worth the pursuit. Also, if you are lucky enough to date one (or some!) of our country's finest service members, don’t feel like you have to abide by all of these guidelines. Just be a decent human being and you will get decency back.

Gabrielle Puglia is a free spirit with a wild heart. Perpetual overthinker, good-doer, book nerd, wine connoisseur and amateur world traveler.